Analysing the Role of Culture in IS Studies
The purpose of the present paper is to theoretically review the role of culture on using Information Systems. This
study revises, criticises, and extends cultural dimensions developed by main scholars such as Hofstede and Hall.
Furthermore, it discusses the two levels of national and organisational culture and their role in shaping the use of
Information Systems and its development. It significantly explains various levels of use of IS among different
nations and industries located in different cultures. The results demonstrate the important role of national and
derived organizational culture as immediate antecedents to and key success factor of using Information Systems.
Because this revision outlines major lines of research in the field, it can be useful for both academics and
practitioners. Further, it discusses limitations of existing research and suggests a new dimension of culture
(Traditionalism-Modernity) which stimulates further research to investigate its validity in characterising diverse
nations in terms of their national culture