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احمد خلف محمد طبيشات


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معلومات الاتصال
فرعي 2880,


Researche Title عنــوان البحــث سنة النشـــر
Student nurses? perceptions of Facebook? as an interactive learning platform in nursing education 2018
Barriers and facilitators to using electronichealthcare records in Jordanian hospitals from thenurses? perspective: A national survey 10
A concealed observational study of infection control and safe injection practices in Jordanian governmental hospitals
Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Implementation in Hospitals
Pressure Injuries Among Hospitalized Patients With Cancer Prevalence and Use of Preventive Interventions.
Exploring changes in nursing students' attitudes towards the use of technology: A four-wave longitudinal panel study
Pressure Ulcers Prevalence in the Acute Care Setting: A Systematic Review, 2000-2015
Nursing students' knowledge and practices of standard precautions: A Jordanian web-based survey
The use of electronic medical records in Jordanian hospitals: A nationwide survey
Perceived usefulness and perceived ease ofuse of electronic health records among nurses:Application of Technology Acceptance Model
Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data
eHealth literacy among undergraduate nursing students
The effect of electronic health records on patient safety: A qualitative exploratory study
The prevalence of pressure ulcers in the paediatric population