Effectiveness of antibiotics versus ibuprofen in relieving symptoms of nosocomial urinary tract infection: A comparative study
Background and purpose:
Antibiotic therapy has been the mainstay of treatment in the management of hospitalized patients with nosocomial urinary tract infection (UTI); however, its use is associated with an increase in resistance and high cost. Ibuprofen showed effectiveness in relieving symptoms of UTI, but its superiority is questionable. The goal of this study was to compare the effectiveness of antibiotics against ibuprofen in relieving symptoms of UTI and to identify factors that affect symptom relief.
This study was conducted in three public hospitals in Jordan. Patients with nosocomial UTI were assigned to either antibiotics or ibuprofen. Symptoms of UTI were assessed at the time of initiation of treatment and 5 days later.
Antibiotics were more effective in relieving symptoms of UTI than Ibuprofen. Comorbidity and length of hospitalization affected symptom relief during the treatment of UTI.
Implication for practice:
Nurse practitioners in the clinical settings can take an active role in helping patients with UTI to achieve relief of symptoms by supporting the use of antibiotics over ibuprofen in symptom resolution.