
The Faculty of Information Technology, represented by its Dean, Prof. Mohammad Jaradat, is pleased to congratulate our outstanding student team:

  1. Khaled Hamad
  2. Bashar Harahsheh
  3. Mohammad Abu Humaida
  4. Wadea Al-Saeed
  5. Mohammad Al-Toubasi

on the acceptance of their research paper for presentation at the Petra International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICCIAA), an IEEE-accredited and Scopus-indexed conference, under the supervision of Dr. Suhaila Farhan Abu Owaidah.

Research Title:

Automated Lung Cancer Diagnosis Using Transfer Learning with EfficientNetV2-S: A Deep Learning Approach based on IQ-OTHNCCD Dataset

This achievement reflects the students’ exceptional efforts and creativity in developing innovative solutions using artificial intelligence and contributes to advancing scientific research in the field of early lung cancer diagnosis.

We wish them the best of luck in presenting their research at the conference and look forward to their continued academic and scientific success.