The relationship between emotional intelligence and nurse?nurse collaboration
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and nurse?nurse collaboration among registered
nurses in Jordan.
Design: This study used a cross-sectional, quantitative survey design to
query 342 nurses who worked in two hospitals in Jordan.
Methods: We used Arabic versions of valid, reliable instruments to measure
emotional intelligence and nurse?nurse communication.
Findings: A total of 311 questionnaires were returned (91% response
rate). Nurses? emotional intelligence was positively and significantly correlated with the nurse?nurse collaboration subscales. The results also indicated a statistically significant mean difference in communication subscale
scores by gender and nursing unit.
Conclusions: The present study demonstrated that nurse?nurse collaboration is linked to benefits for nurses in terms of improved job satisfaction,
better nurse retention, improved quality of patient care, and enhanced
healthcare efficiency and productivity. This suggests that improving nurse?
nurse collaboration may have spillover effects of benefits, not only for
nurses but for patients, organizations, and the overall healthcare system.
Clinical Relevance: Building an environment that encourages collaboration among nurses can greatly impact the performance of nurses and its
benefit to nurses. Encouraging employees to participate in activities and
to collaborate in making this an integral part of their evaluation will
contribute to improving the teamwork in patient care