Transformations in the built form as a reflection of social change. The case of apartment buildings in Amman. l
Over its relatively short modern history, Amman has gone through a massive and multifaceted
growth. Evident changes have taken place in the community both on lifestyle
and housing attributes, part of which entailed the shift towards apartments` living. The
study aims at tracing the transformation in the form of apartment building, and the
connotations it has in understanding the changes that occurred in the Jordanian
society's lifestyle over the last five decades. A comparative case study analysis has
been conducted among 170 apartments, covering seventy design attributes related to
aspects of appearance, spatial organisation, parking and access to building, outdoor
space and finishing. Results reveal changes in design attributes indicating particular
alterations in people's lifestyle. New interests act in formulating recent housing design
attributes. People seem to turn into a more open social life within public community but
more privatised living among family members. People are becoming more attached to
indoor modernised lifestyle, in homes and public areas where activities take place.