لؤي محمود عوض الزعبي استاذ/ loai67@aabu.edu.jo تحميل السيرة الذاتية orcid linkedin Google Scholar Scopus ResearchGate منصة الأردن المفتوحة للإبداع معلومات الاتصال فرعي الابحاث Researche Title عنــوان البحــث سنة النشـــر Integrating video feedback into architectural design education to engage diverse learning styles . 2023 Stress-Strength Modeling Using Median-Ranked Set Sampling: Estimation, Simulation, and Application . 2023 Benrabia distribution: properties and applications . 2022 Estimation of Sameera Distribution Parameters with Applications to Real Data . 2022 Alzoubi Distribution: Properties and Applications توزيع الزعبي: خصائص وتطبيقات 2022 Loai Distribution: Properties, Parameters Estimation and Application to Covid-19 Real Data توزيع لؤي: خصائص، تقدير المعلمات، تطبيقات على بيانات حقيقية على كوفيد 19 2022 Entropy Bayesian Analysis for the Generalized Inverse Exponential Distribution Based on URRSS . 2021 New compound probability distribution using Biweight kernel function and exponential distribution . 2021 A GENERALIZATION OF THE NEW WEIBULL-PARETO DISTRIBUTION 2020 The Transmuted Gamma Gompertz Distribution . 2020 Efficiency of Adaptive Methods Using Simulated Alpha Skew Normal Two-Stage Data 2018 Transmuted Janardan Distribution: A Generalization of the Janardan Distribution 2017 Inference of Adaptive methods for Multi-Stage skew-t Simulated Data . 2017 Transmuted Mukherjee-Islam Distribution: A Generalization of Mukherjee-Islam Distribution 2017 Semi-parametric estimation for ARCH models 2016 Adaptive inference for multi-stage unbalanced exponential survey data 2015 On the population median estimation using quartile double ranked set sampling 2015 Robustness of adaptive methods for balanced non-normal data: Skewed normal data as an example 2014 Robustness of Adaptive Methods for Non-Normal Data: Skewed Normal Data as an Example . 2014 Adaptive Inference for Multi-Stage Survey Data 2010 Discriminant Analysis for Birth Measures Data Obtained from Princess Rahma Hospital in Irbid , Jordan . 2001 Transmuted Shanker Distribution: Properties and Applications تحول توزيع شانكر: خصائص وتطبيقات EPANECHNIKOV-WEIBULL DISTRIBUTION .