جمال محمد مصطفى مصطفى - السيرة الذاتية

جمال محمد مصطفى مصطفى

معلومات الاتصال
فرعي 2112,

Researche Title عنــوان البحــث سنة النشـــر
[12] Jamal M. Mustafa, (1,2)b-separation axioms in bitopological spaces, Annals of Oradea University - Mathematics Fascicola, (2011)
[10] K. Al-Zoubi, J. Mustafa and S. Al-Ghour, On ?-local finiteness and b-local finiteness, Q & A in General Topology, 28 (2010), 81 ? 91.
[7] Jamal M. Mustafa, b-R0 and b-R1 Spaces, Global J. of Pure and Applied Math., 4(1) (2008), 65 - 71.
[1] Jamal M. Mustafa, Semi Compactness and Semi Lindelofness in Bitopological Spaces, Abhath Al-Yarmouk, 13(2)(2004), 309-314.
[4] Jamal M. Mustafa, On Pairwise SG-Compact and Pairwise SG-Lindelof Spaces, Al-Manarah, 12(2) (2006), 229-236.
[9] Jamal M. Mustafa, Quasi b-Open and Strongly b-Open Functions, Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (JJMS), 3(1) (2010), 21 - 32.
[3] Jamal M. Mustafa, On Pairwise SubLindelof Spaces, An-Najah Univ. J.Res. (N. Sc.), 19(2005), 91-97.
[8] Jamal M. Mustafa, SG-Lindelof Spaces, Int. Math. Forum, 4(3) (2009), 119 - 125.
[13] Jamal M. Mustafa, Samer Al-Ghour and Khalid Al-Zoubi, Weakly b-I-open sets and weakly b-I-continuous functions, Italian journal of pure and applied mathematics (2011)
[11] Jamal M. Mustafa, Contra semi-I-continuous functions, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 39(2) (2010), 191 - 196.
[2] Jamal M. Mustafa, Some Separation Axioms by b-Open Sets, Mu?tah Lil-Buhuth wad-Dirasat, 20(3) (2005), 57-64.
[6] Jamal M. Mustafa, Semi w0-Continuous Functions, Int. J. of Pure and Applied Math., 41(6) (2007), 839-845.
[5] Jamal M. Mustafa, Pairwise Semi Paracompact Spaces, Int. Math. Forum, 2(49) (2007), 2447 - 2452.