علي حسن احمد هندم استاذ/رئيس قسم اكاديمي ali.handam@aabu.edu.jo تحميل السيرة الذاتية orcid linkedin Google Scholar Scopus ResearchGate منصة الأردن المفتوحة للإبداع معلومات الاتصال فرعي 2202,2115, الابحاث Researche Title عنــوان البحــث سنة النشـــر A note on generalized alpha-skew-normal distribution. . 7 A. H. Handam. Soft K(G) algebras, Tamkang Journal of Mathematics. 43 (2012), no. 2, 203-213. 2012 H. A. Khashan and A. H. Handam. (WEAKLY) n-nil cleanness of the ring Zm. Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Ser. A1 Math. Stat. 67 (2), 2018, 29-37. A. H. Handam and A. A. Freihat. A new analytic numeric method solution for fractional modified epidemiological model for computer viruses, Application and Applied Mathematics, 10 (2), 2015, 919-936. A. H. Handam. Fuzzy deductive systems in BE-semigroups, Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series, 40(2), (2013), 128-139. A. H. Handam. (n,g(x))-Clean rings. International Mathematical Forum, 4 (2009), no. 21, 1007 - 1011. A. H. Handam. Smarandache weak subtraction algebra, Thai Journal of Mathematics, 11 (2013), no. 1, 121?129. A. H. Handam and A. A. Freihat. A new analytic numeric method solution for fractional modified epidemiological model for computer viruses, Application and Applied Mathematics, 10 (2), 2015, 919-936. A. H. Handam. On f-clean rings and f-clean elements, Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, 30 (2011), no. (2), 277-284. A. H. Handam, A. A. Freihat and M. Zurigat. The multi-step homotopy analysis method for solving fractional-order model for HIV infection of CD4?T cells, Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, 34 (4), 2015, 307-322. H. A. Khashan and A. H. Handam. On Weakly g(x)-Nil Clean Rings, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 114 (2), 2017, 191-202. A. H. Handam and H. A. Khashan. Rings in which elements are the sum of a nilpotent and a root of a fixed polynomial that commute, Open Mathematics, 15 (2017), 420-426. A. H. Handam. On strong IS-algebras, Annals of the University of Craiova ? Mathematics and Computer Science Series, 37 (2010), no. (2), 75 ? 82. A. H. Handam. Quotient TM-Algebras, International Mathematical Forum, 8 (2013), no. 20, 949 ? 956. A. H. Handam. On BE-homomorphisms of BE-semigroups, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 78 (2012) No. 8, 1211-1220. A. A. Freihat and A. H. Handam. Solution of the SIR models of epidemics using MSGDTM, Application and Applied Mathematics, 9 (2), 2014, 622 ? 636. A. H. Handam. T-fuzzy ideals in near-subtraction semigroup, Analele Universitatii Oradea Fasc. Matematica, Tom XVII (2010), no. 2, 223 - 234. A. A. Freihat, M. Zurigat and A. H. Handam. The multi-step homotopy analysis method for modified epidemiological model for computer viruses, Afrika Mathematika (2014-02-21): 1-12. M. Zurigat, A. A. Freihat and A. H. Handam. The multi-step homotopy analysis method for solving the Jaulent-Miodek equations, Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, (1) 34 (2015), 45-54. A. H. Handam. N-structures applied to I-ideals in IS-algebras. Stud. Univ. Babe?-Bolyai Math. 57 (2012), no. 1, 3-9. H. A. Khashan and A. H. Handam. g(x)- nil clean rings, Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, 79 (2), 2016, 145-154.