ابتسام فارس موسى المشاقبه استاذ/ ibtesam@aabu.edu.jo تحميل السيرة الذاتية orcid linkedin Google Scholar Scopus ResearchGate منصة الأردن المفتوحة للإبداع معلومات الاتصال فرعي 0, الابحاث Researche Title عنــوان البحــث سنة النشـــر Best Practices Use of Distance Learning Among Language Teachers 2018 Learning Dialogue through WhatsApp Messenger: Students? Experience and Attitude 2018 Health Concepts That Included in The Elementary Stage Students' Science Books in Jordan. 2017 Student's perception of an online exam within the Decision Support System Course at Al Al-Bayt University IPad in elementary school math learning Setting Educational Math Game Software: A Supporting Tool for First Grade Students? Achievement The Adoption of Tablet and e-Textbooks: first grade core curriculum and school administration attitude Social Media in Practice: The Challenges of Using Facebook in Higher Education. The Effect of Computerized Instructional Program in the Intermediate First Grade Students Achievement in Arabic language Grammar